Clearing Skies ~ 28 Jan 2021

Despite the fact that Mercury stands two days away from retrogradation, the skies above are clearing. Consider the following:

Ceres recently passed by Neptune in Pisces presumably reducing some of the collective craziness and conspiracies and snapped sensitivities back to what concerns us most, or should concern us most in these “interesting” times.

The whole Mars to everything and Jupiter square Uranus wrapped up without governments falling and now that we know what teams play in the Super Bowl, betting can commence and the year’s activities can officially begin.

Within the next few hours of this posting, Venus in Capricorn clears Pluto by conjunction. Finally, the ability to make a modest and effective financial plan and also have a stronger sense of what resources might become available for what. Now budgeting the year’s agenda is possible.

Also within a very short time of this post, the Sun, in Aquarius, clear of conjunction with Saturn, aligns with Jupiter in Aquarius. For the psyche, this feels like a sparkling, cold beverage offered in the middle of a desert.

Sure, Saturn squares Uranus on 17 February. That should be stabilizing... a means of deciding what still works and what needs to be replaced. Apply consciousness conservation while swinging way out there to ponder tantalizing tangents.

Even prior to this time, on the 7th of February, Saturn sextiles Chiron in Aries. This aspect might have to do with progress in thwarting the spread of the coronavirus(es), but more it has to do with shaking off 2020, extracting what evolutionary thinking came during the year of confinement and installing those thoughts in life as well assigning the bruises and frustrations to the past. It’s about getting yourself right, solid and grounded in a balanced manner.

Now for a bit of astrological trivia: At the moment that Joe Biden completed the oath of office during his inauguration as President of the United States, the asteroid Psyche - the one we recently realized has more tangible value than the global economy - stood exactly, to the minute conjunct, Biden’s natal Saturn in Gemini in his 7th house. While the promise of the exactitude is amazing, this will be a good study in this recently elevated asteroid’s meaning... elevated by virtue of it’s profound material value and the symbolic association that the psyche, and all that goes with it, should be revered as exceedingly valuable.

About this Mercury retrograde thing... it’s like a pesky mosquito while you attempt to perform an attention-intense task in nature. It’s not major. It does not intend to debilitate progress, but it is a trifle pesky. Saturn’s passages to Chiron and Uranus will dismiss the retrograde and efficiently address any curves, knuckle balls or unexpected ironic twists in life. Should you be Mercury retrograde cautious, on 8 February, Mercury and the Sun align as Venus stands in between Jupiter and Saturn. Yeah, if you got something important to sign, that day should stand out as reservation (emotionally) free. Pen on parchment is A-OK.

One final Mercury retrograde caution: Mercury while, retrograde, does square Mars in Taurus on 10 February. Especially in matters of “what’s mine and what’s yours” strive for calm and cool. Do you best not to blurt the knee jerk reaction to any person who represents a road block on your path or one who opposes your best thinking.

We had one of these squares already this year - back on 9 January. Perhaps review a journal to see what mental processes were in play at that time and more, how clearly agendas and concerns were articulated. The final Mercury to Mars square in this cycle occurs on 23 March and it forms with Mars in Gemini and Mercury in Pisces. Apologies rendered during this time must be sincere, contrite and considerate of all points of view and feelings. Of course, being cool with the next square leaves the 23 March aspect open for mentally challenging board games and very cool exchanges of ponderous thoughts.

Mercury, at the station point, aligns with the black hole Cygnus X-3. This alignment, if integrated, promises great personal relief on the emotional front. Aquarius does fairly hold the reputation of being aloof, detached and out-of-body. Here, the alignment with this most cool singularity requires that one use all mental stimulation as a can opener into what’s bugging the psyche. Whatever doesn’t sit right with you... no matter what it is... take time to sit with it. How much time? Specifically the x-ray cycle of this black hole is 4.8 hours.

Use the first hour or so to twist and contort the thought process into a knot that not even a salty boatswain’s mate can untangle. Then, park yourself and feel your way through whatever you feel. Likely, there will be two surges of intense emotion that lack rationale for their existence. No matter. Take your time and sit with all the feelings. Upon completion of surfing the second wave of sensitivity, the relief will be amazing and immediate. You’ll be lighter. Your eyes will see more clearly. This is the ticket.

Punch this ticket as close to Mercury’s retrograde station as you can. Next thing you know, you groove through the Mercury-Mars square, then greet Saturn to Uranus with cheerful enthusiasm for getting the gears of life properly greased.

Here’s to full and fecund propitiation of all that exists above in the clearing skies.

More soon.